Demolition in final stages

Demolition of Lady Grose Home and Springfield House is almost complete with work to continue over the coming months to prepare the foundation of our new four storey clinical services building.

The new Asset Management Office was handed over to the LHD on Monday 11 February 2019, with administration staff moving into their new home.

The new Waste Shed and Asset Workshop buildings are forging ahead with footings poured, steel frames assembled, roofing and cladding installed, and plumbing and electrical rough-ins underway. These two services have been working in temporary accommodation and are really looking forward to moving into their new home by the end of April.

With the large-scale activity, you may have noticed workers wearing full-body personal protective equipment (PPE). These workers are experts in asbestos management planning, identification, remediation and disposal.

The suits are worn when the team need to handle and remove hazardous material found during their work.

All major construction projects, like the Goulburn Hospital and Health Service Redevelopment, must comply with stringent legislative workplace health and safety (WHS), environmental and planning controls.

The project team is making sure every precaution is taken, with the safety of local residents, the general public, hospital users and construction workers being our highest priority.