Behind the scenes of the project

There's more to building a hospital than constructing a new building. The Goulburn Hospital and Health Service Redevelopment has a series of focus streams across a number of key areas. Each area is pivotal to the overall planning and development and are outlined below:

  1. Clinical and service model of care change requirements and development for the new hospital, led by Service Development Officer Naomi Ruzsicska.
  2. Operational change requirements and development for the new hospital, led by Project Lead Kerry Hort.
  3. Workforce and resource requirements, development and planning, led by Workforce Planner Estelle Roberts.
  4. Furniture fittings and equipment and major medical equipment requirements to be finalised, trialling of equipment, ordering, scheduling and installation, led by FFE Project Officer Debra McGufficke.
  5. Information, communication and technology requirements to be designed and finalised with planning for installation having commenced, led by ICT Architect Arthur Brooks and ICT Project Manager Louise Tan.
  6. Asset and facility requirements for the ongoing management of the building and how it will integrate with current systems, led by General Manager Asset Peter Lawrence and Assistant Engineer Anthony Larkin.
  7. Arts and heritage requirements for the new hospital will evolve with areas now allocated for arts and heritage items, led by Senior Nurse Manager John Gale.
  8. Communications requirements, strategic planning, media and political liaison, led by Major Capital Works Communications Manager Becky Bergman.

Overarching all of the redevelopment focus streams is the planning and preparation for the Operational Commissioning of the new clinical services building, which will be led by Kerry Hort with support of Denis Thomas, Cheryl Tozer, the Goulburn Executive and those mentioned above.

The main goal is to ensure that all staff and patients are able to successfully transition into the new building and are able to immediately provide and receive safe and efficient care in the new hospital environment.